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Fig. 1 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 1

From: Maturation of nucleus accumbens synaptic transmission signals a critical period for the rescue of social deficits in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder

Fig. 1

Maturation of excitatory synaptic excitation onto medium spiny neurons of the nucleus accumbens shell of C57BL/6J and BTBR mice. A. Schematic representation of the whole-cell patch-clamp recording protocol from an MSN of the NAc shell. B. Representative sEPSC traces obtained from MSNs at different postnatal ages from C57BL/6J mice (black) or BTBR mice (blue). C-D. Maturation of sEPSC frequency. C57BL/6J (C) and BTBR (D) mice show a progressive increase in sEPSC frequency across the first postnatal month. E-F. Maturation of sEPSC amplitude. C57BL/6J mice (E) show an age-dependent increase in sEPSC amplitude, whereas sEPSC amplitude decreases between P4 and P8-12 and P21 in BTBR mice (F). G-H. Maturation of sEPSC tau. Both C57BL6/J (G) and BTBR mice (H) show age-dependent increases in sEPSC tau. I-J. Direct comparison of age-dependent changes in NAc MSN sEPSC frequency and amplitude between C57BL/6J (black circles) and BTBR (blue circles) strains. Compared to C57BL/6J mice, BTBR mice showed reduced sEPSC frequency at P30 (I) and increased sEPSC amplitude at P4 and P6 (J). * p < 0.05. C57BL/6J: P4 (9 cells/4 mice), P6 (9 cells/3 mice), P8 (15 cells/4 mice), P12 (9 cells/ 3 mice), P15 (11 cells/ 4 mice), P21 (9 cells/ 3 mice), P30 (9 cells/ 3 mice); BTBR: P4 (10 cells/3 mice), P6 (10 cells/3 mice), P8 (18 cells/5 mice), P12 (10 cells/ 3 mice), P15 (8 cells/ 3 mice), P21 (8 cells/ 3 mice), P30 (9 cells/ 3 mice)

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