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Fig. 3 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 3

From: mTORC1-mediated acquisition of reward-related representations by hippocampal somatostatin interneurons

Fig. 3

Heterogeneous SOM-IN Ca2+ activity related to reward. A Representative examples of SOM-IN responses that developed during training: “off sustained”, “on sustained”, “off transient” and “on transient” responses. Top: mean Ca2+ responses (grey) and speed (red) as function of position for all trials in a session with reward zone indicated in green. Bottom: color-coded Ca2+ activity in each trial of the session. B Diagram of Ca2+ activity analysis criteria for each type of response with > 30% changes (light gray shaded area) in Ca2+ activity in or after the reward zone, relative to activity before the reward zone (black line), defining response type (“off sustained”, dark red; “on sustained”, dark green; “off transient”, light red; “on transient”, light green; or no modulation, black). Representative examples of SOM-IN responses showing no modulation are given in Additional file 3: Fig. S3A. C Cell response identity matrix for all cells over training sessions ordered by response type at end of training, showing a gradual acquisition of spatial coding related to reward location. Top of matrix (grey): SOM-INs (n = 53) from control mice. Bottom (magenta): SOM-INs (n = 35) from SOM-Rptor-KO mice. D Distribution of cells with different response types at start and end of training for control and SOM-Rptor-KO mice, showing presence of 4 response types in both mouse genotypes, but increases with training in number of cells with responses only in control mice. E Summary graph for all cells with response related to reward at start and end of training, showing increase in SOM-INs with responses in control (n = 7) but not in SOM-Rptor-KO (n = 5) mice. F Mean place correlation for SOM-INs with different response types (“off sustained” n = 19; “on sustained” n = 8; “off transient” n = 15; “on transient” n = 6), showing increase in place correlation over training for all response types. G, H Similar representation of Ca2+ activity correlation with speed (G) and acceleration (H) for SOM-INs with different response types, showing only few changes specific to certain response types. Details of statistical tests provided in Additional file 5: Table S1. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ns not significant

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