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Fig. 3 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 3

From: Exploring Piezo1, Piezo2, and TMEM150C in human brain tissues and their correlation with brain biomechanical characteristics

Fig. 3

The correlation of Piezo2/TMEM150C relative fluorescence units and percentage of positive cell population to brain mechanical properties. Percentage of Piezo2 positive cells (A) and TMEM150C positive cells (B) across different brain regions (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001). Spearman correlation between relative mechanosensor RFU and stiffness for Piezo2 (C) and TMEM150C (D) shows a significant correlation between Piezo 2 RFU and stiffness in WM only (r = 0.5516, p < 0.05). Spearman correlation between mechanosensor RFU and spring term for Piezo2 (E) and TMEM150C (F) with significant correlation in the Pons for Piezo2 RFU-spring term (r = -0.5602, p < 0.05) and TMEM150C RFU-spring term (r = -0.6429, p < 0.05). Spearman correlation between mechanosensor RFU and decay term for Piezo2 (G) & TMEM150C (H) showing no significant correlations across all brain regions. Spearman correlation between RFU and equilibrium stress for Piezo2 (I) and TMEM150C (J) where a significant correlation exists between TMEM150C RFU and equilibrium stress in white matter only (r = 0.5604, p < 0.05)

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