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Fig. 6 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 6

From: A simple and reliable method for claustrum localization across age in mice

Fig. 6

Exposure to a novel environment induces substantial activation of Nurr1-expressing cells and minimal activation of Tle4-expressing cells in the claustrum region. The marker for neuronal activation cFos was induced in the claustrum (CLA) by exposing mice to a novel open field (OF) for 10 min, followed by perfusion after 60–90 min. A–C Representative images of the anterior CLA relative to the insula (Ins) and the striatum (Str) in naive control mice showing the expression of cFos (A), Nurr1 (B) and Tle4 (C). Dashed ellipses highlight absence of Tle4 expression in the CLA. D, E Representative images showing colocalization of cFos with Nurr1 (D) and Tle4 (E) in the anterior CLA. F–H Same as A–C but for mice exposed to OF. I, J Same as D, E but for mice exposed to OF. K–M Bar plots comparing naive and OF-exposed mice with respect to (K) the mean number of cFos-expressing cells, L the percentage of cFos-expressing cells colocalized with Nurr1 (cFos+Nurr1+) relative to the total number of Nurr1-expressing (Nurr1+) cells, and M the percentage of cFos-expressing cells colocalized with Tle4 (cFos+Tle4+) relative to the total number of Tle4-expressing (Tle4+) surrounding the CLA region. N, O Venn diagrams representing the mean number of cells expressing cFos (cyan, N, O), Nurr1 (magenta, N) and Tle4 (yellow, O), along with the colocalization of cFos with Nurr1 (N), and cFos with Tle4 (O) relative to the total number of cFos-expressing cells in the OF group. Values shown are the average cell counts across the anterior, middle and posterior planes of the CLA. Insets in D, E, I, J (bottom-left) are 2 × fold magnifications of areas in white boxes. Orange arrowheads indicate examples of cell colocalization. Error bars in K–M represent mean ± SEM; **p < 0.01, ****p < 0.0001; unpaired t-test: (K) t(13) = 7.53, p = 4.3 × 106, (L): t(13) = 7.29, p = 6.1 × 106, (M) t(13) = 3.68, p = 0.003. Values in N, O represent mean ± standard deviation. Naive group (n = 5 mice), OF group (n = 10 mice) (see Additional file 2: Table S4 for details on mouse sex)

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