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Figure 1 | Molecular Brain

Figure 1

From: Barrel cortical neurons and astrocytes coordinately respond to an increased whisker stimulus frequency

Figure 1

The activity of barrel neurons rises in response to an increased frequency of whisker tactile input. A) shows a spatial relationship between superfical vessels and barrel area in cerebral cortex. The veins are labeled in blue, the middle cerebral artery (mca) is labeled in red, and the others are pink. The location of barrel cortex is comfirmed by using histological reconstructions. B) shows an example of small craniotomy above the barrel cortex after removing a piece of skull. The cycles marked by yellow dash-line in A and B present the same area. C) shows an exmaple of LFPs induced by 8-to-12Hz stimuli (top) and the averaged trace of 20 LFP sweeps (bottom). D) shows LFP amplitiutdes at 12Hz stimuli are significantly larger than those at 8Hz stimili (p<0.05, students’ test,).

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