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Fig. 1 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 1

From: Gender differences in white matter pathology and mitochondrial dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease with cerebrovascular disease

Fig. 1

a Heatmap displaying protein enrichment/depletion in the white matter proteome of male and female AD + CVD subjects compared to age-matched controls. Log ratios in AD + CVD subjects were normalized to controls (controls ratio = 1). Red values represent protein enrichment, blue values represent protein depletion and white values indicate no change in the ratio scale. Protein names were listed on the right side of each heat map line. Significance level of modified proteins in each group were indicated at the upper right corner of each box (* p < 0.05 and gender difference ≥ 0.2; ** p < 0.001 and gender difference ≥ 0.9). Tabular data of values shown in this heat map can be found in Additional file 1: Table S1. b Validation of the PLP enrichment in the temporal lobe of AD + CVD women was confirmed by Western blot in individual subjects from an independent cohort. c Densitometry analysis of Western blot signal normalized by Ponceau intensities. Significance level in graph of PLP signal in women relative to controls (* p < 0.05)

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