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Table 1 Summary of the effects of estrogens on hippocampal dendritic spine density

From: Structural plasticity of the hippocampus in response to estrogens in female rodents




Woolley et al., 1990

Intact female rats

CA1 dendritic spine density fluctuates by approx. 30% across estrous cycle; highest densities when circulating estrogens are highest [50]

Gould et al., 1990

Intact and OVX female rats

OVX decreases CA1 dendritic spine density [49]

Woolley & McEwen, 1992

OVX female rats

2 subcutaneous (s.c.) injections of EB (given 24h apart) reverse CA1 dendritic spine density decreases from OVX within 48h following second injection [51]

Woolley & McEwen, 1993

OVX female rats

S.c. EB or 17β-estradiol increases CA1 pyramidal neuron apical dendritic spine density within 24h, peaked at 2-3d, declines over 7d; s.c. progesterone following 17β-estradiol further increased spine density for 2-6h but then levels fell quickly to baseline [52]

Leranth et al., 2003

Intact and GDX male rats

GDX reduces CA1 spine synapse density; s.c. testosterone proprionate increases CA1 spine synapse density in intact males after 2d of treatment; s.c. dihydrotestosterone but not 17β-estradiol increased CA1 spine synapse density in GDX males after 2d of treatment [55]

MacLusky et al., 2004

Intact male rats

Increases in CA1 dendritic spine density driven by s.c. testosterone are not via aromatization of testosterone to estrogens [56]

MacLusky et al., 2005

OVX female rats

S.c. 17β-estradiol increases CA1 spine synapse density within 30min and 4.5h; s.c. 17α-estradiol increases CA1 spine synapse density within 30min [63]

Tsurugizawa et al., 2005

Ex vivo hippocampal slices from male rats

2h bath in 17β-estradiol or ERα agonist decreased CA3 dendritic excrescence thorns [95]

Kinsley et al., 2006

Intact, pregnant, lactating, and OVX female rats

Pregnant and lactating rats had greater CA1 dendritic spine density than nulliparous intact rats; nulliparous proestrus intact rats had greater CA1 dendritic spine density than nulliparous diestrus or estrus intact rats; OVX rats given hormonal treatment to mimic pregnancy (17β-estradiol and progesterone via Silastic implant) had greater CA1 dendritic spine density than OVX controls [135]

Murakami et al., 2006

Ex vivo hippocampal slices from male rats

Increased CA1 stratum oriens or lacunosum-moleculare dendritic spine density following 2h bath in 17β-estradiol or ERα agonist [64]

Wallace et al., 2006

Intact and OVX female rats

7wks post-surgery, OVX rats had decreased CA1, but not CA3, dendritic spines compared to intact rats [136]

Mukai et al., 2007

Ex vivo hippocampal slices from male rats

Increased CA1 stratum radiatum dendritic spine density following 2h bath in 17β-estradiol or ERα agonist [65]

Phan et al., 2011

OVX female mice

S.c. ERα agonist increased CA1 spine density within 40min; s.c. ERβ agonist decreased spine density and increased spine length within 40min [38]

González-Burgos et al., 2012

Intact male rats

Injection of tamoxifen or raloxifene (route not specified) increased CA1 dendritic spine density; tamoxifen increased thin- and stubby-type spines whereas raloxifene increased thin-, stubby-, and wide-type spines [93]

Phan et al., 2012

OVX female mice

S.c. 17β-estradiol increased CA1 dendritic spine length within 40min [39]

Velázquez-Zamora et al., 2012

OVX female rats

Twice daily treatment (s.c.) with EB increased CA1 dendritic spine density at 3d, but not 10d [125]

Gabor et al., 2015

OVX female mice

S.c. GPER1 agonist increased CA1 dendritic spine density within 40min [41]

Phan et al., 2015

Ex vivo hippocampal slices from female mice

17β-estradiol or ERα agonist increased CA1 dendritic spine density within 30min of bath application [40]

Jacome et al., 2016

GDX male rats

Acute s.c. injection of 17β-estradiol or T increased CA1, but not DG, dendritic spine density 30min or 2h following treatment [59]

Tuscher et al., 2016

OVX female mice

Intrahippocampal 17β-estradiol increased CA1 basal and apical dendritic spine density within 30min or 2h of treatment; intracerebroventricular 17β-estradiol increased CA1 basal and apical dendritic spine density within 2h via ERK and mTOR pathways [42]

Mendell et al., 2017

Intact and OVX female rats, intact and GDX male rats

Proestrus intact females had greater CA1 apical dendritic spine densities than metestrus intact or OVX females; proestrus intact females had greater CA3 apical dendritic spine densities than OVX females; GDX males had increased CA3 dendritic branching than intact males; OVX had minimal effects on dendritic branching [32]

  1. OVX, ovariectomized; GDX, gonadectomized; EB, estradiol benzoate; ER, estrogen receptor; GPER1, G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1; s.c., subcutaneous