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Fig. 7 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 7

From: Cdk5 regulatory subunit-associated protein 1 knockout mice show hearing loss phenotypically similar to age-related hearing loss

Fig. 7

Disruption of type II and IV fibrocytic mitochondria in the spiral ligament of Cdk5rap1-KO mice. a Transmission electron microscopic images of type II and IV fibrocytes in SLi from the cochlear middle turn. N nuclei. Scale bar = 1 µm. b Magnified images of the square boxes in A. The structure of cristae in the mitochondria of Cdk5rap1-knockout (KO) or littermate control (CNT) mice at different ages. Asterisks indicate the loss of mitochondrial cristae. mt mitochondria. Scale bars = 100 nm. c Ratio of damaged mitochondria in KO and CNT mice. d Mitochondrial size in KO and CNT mice at different ages

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