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Fig. 2 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 2

From: Functional organization of the midbrain periaqueductal gray for regulating aversive memory formation

Fig. 2

A–C Example of retrogradely labeled dlPAG neurons projecting to the aPVT (A), CM (B) and pPVT (C). D, quantification of the number of dlPAG neurons labeled after injection of retrograde virus into aPVT (n = 8), pPVT (n = 8) and CM (n = 8). A one way ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of group [F(2, 21) = 3.57, p = 0.046] and post-hoc tests revealed no significant difference between the number of aPVT and pPVT projecting cells, but a significantly smaller number of CM compared with aPVT projecting dlPAG neurons (*p < 0.05). E–G Efferent axonal projections of dlPAG neurons to midline thalamic nuclei. E EYFP expression following virus injection into dlPAG. EYFP labeled axons in aPVT, CM (F) and pPVT (G) following virus injection into dlPAG

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