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Fig. 1 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 1

From: Moderate effect of early-life experience on dentate gyrus function

Fig. 1

Pre-weaning enrichment affects spiketrain transformation in the DG. A Top, cartoon depicting whole-cell recording of the GCs during simultaneous stimulation of the perforant path (EC afferents). Bottom, representative traces obtained in current-clamp mode in response to the stimulation with 5 input spike trains. To assess the level of pattern separation operated by single recorded GCs, the similarity of the inputs is compared to the similarity of the outputs using different comparative metrics. B − D Representative graphs of pattern separation with pairwise output similarity versus the pairwise input similarity measured by the three different metrics, including R (B), NDP (C) and SF (D) and using 10 ms bins. Data points below and above the dashed line correspond to pattern separation and pattern convergence, respectively. Solid lines represent the linear fits for the ANCOVA. Statistical comparisons were performed with an ANCOVA (the aoctool function in Matlab) and a two-sample t-test (*p < 0.05 and ***p < 0.001). E A summary for FR and p(Burst). Statistical comparisons were performed with a two-samples t-test for firing rate (t = 1.559, p = 0.13) and p(Burst) (t = 1.3627, p = 0.184). F Compactness, Occupancy or FR codes were measured for each recording set. Statistical comparisons were performed with 2 sample t-test for binwise Compactness of output (t = 1.04, p = 0.307), the variations of Occupancy (t = 1.924, p = 0.073) and the variations in FR or spike trains (t = 1.129, p = 0.269). Number of animals = 4 for both groups and a total of 15 recordings were used for each group for the spiketrain analysis

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