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Fig. 4 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 4

From: Diurnal variation in declarative memory and the involvement of SCOP in cognitive functions in nonhuman primates

Fig. 4

Effect of Scop knockdown in the hippocampus on color-taste association task. a A representative EGFP fluorescence (green) and Hoechst 33258 (Blue) image of a hippocampal section of the macaque that received shRNA lentivirus. The white square in the left photo is enlarged in the right photo. Scale bars are indicated in the photos. The white dotted area shows the hippocampal CA1 to CA4. DG, dentate gyrus; LGN, lateral geniculate nucleus. b Evaluation of the knockdown activity of anti-Scop shRNA lentivirus on Scop mRNA level. Decrease in Scop mRNA level in the hippocampus by infection of anti-Scop shRNA lentivirus (Scop shRNA). Scramble shRNA lentivirus was used as a control. Error bars, SEM (n = 6 subregions). c The accuracy rate for Scop knockdown and control macaques (one each) is shown. Memory performance at ZT 5.5 (midday) in each monkey that received lentivirus expressing Scop shRNA or Scramble shRNA were measured. The task was carried out six times for each animal. The number above each bar on the graph indicates the number of corrects for the number of trials

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