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Fig. 6 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 6

From: Comprehensive behavioral analyses of mice with a glycine receptor alpha 4 deficiency

Fig. 6

Social behavior in Glra4−/Y mice. a–d Social interaction test in a home cage. Light and dark periods are represented by the white and black bars. a The total activity level through a 7-day experiment, b Mean total activity during 3 days from the 7-day experiment represented in a, c Mean number of particles through the 7-day experiment, d Mean number of particles during 3 days from the 7-day experiment represented in c. A particle number of 1 indicates that the 2 mice are close to each other, whereas a particle number of 2 indicates that they are apart from each other. A lower number of particles represents higher social interaction. a–d n = 7 Glra4+/Y, n = 9 Glra4−/Y. e–i The three-chambered social approach test. e Schematic diagram describing the test. In the first session, 1 cage is empty and the other cage contains a stranger mouse. In the second session, 1 cage contains the familiar mouse (the stranger in the first session) and the other contains a novel stranger mouse. f Time spent around either the empty cage or stranger mouse cage in the first session, and h either a familiar mouse cage or stranger mouse cage in the second session. g, i Sociability index and social novelty index calculated as the ratio of time spent around the stranger cage to that spent in all cages. j–n Social interaction test in a novel environment. j Total duration of contact, k Mean duration/contact, l Number of contacts, m Total distance traveled, n Total duration of active contact. e–n n = 14 Glra4+/Y, n = 18 Glra4−/Y. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. The p values indicate the genotype effects in a paired t-test (f, h), one-way ANOVA (g–n), and two-way repeated-measures ANOVA (a–d). Asterisks indicate nominal significance

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