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Table 1 GABA containing proportion of glial cells in several brain regions

From: The amount of astrocytic GABA positively correlates with the degree of tonic inhibition in hippocampal CA1 and cerebellum

Brain Region

Sub Region






Dentate gyrus



VPM (Ventral posterolateral thalamic nu)



VPL (Vental posteromedial thalamic nu)



PF (Parafascicular thalamic nucleus)



Po (Post thalamic nuclear group)



LPLR (LP thalamic nu laterorostral)



LPMR (LP thalamic nu, mediorostral)



DM (Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus)



Cerebellar cortex


  1. Summary table for GABA containing proportion of glial cells in several brain regions from immunohistochemistry data used anti-GABA and anti-GFP antibody in GFAP-GFP transgenic mice. The number of (+) represent percent of GABA containing cells out of all GFAP-GFP positive glial cells in each brain region. 0~20(%): + 21~40(%): ++ 41~60(%): +++ 61~80(%): ++++ 81~100(%): +++++