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Figure 5 | Molecular Brain

Figure 5

From: Genetic marking and characterization of Tac2-expressing neurons in the central and peripheral nervous system

Figure 5

Tac2-Cre-expressing neurons in the DRG and their innervation of peripheral targets. Adult Tac2-Cre/ROSA26-tdTomato mice showed fluorescence labeling in a small subset of lumbar DRG neurons (A). Their primary afferents innervated the glabrous skin in a wholemount preparation (B), and a transverse section showed selective innervation within the dermal layer (C, arrow). "derm": dermis and "epi": epidermis, and the solid arrow indicates boundary between dermis and epidermis. In a transverse section of the colon, Tomato-positive fibers were detected in the muscle layer (D, "mus"), by not in the mucousal layer (D, "muc").

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