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Fig. 8 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 8

From: RNA-seq and network analysis reveal unique glial gene expression signatures during prion infection

Fig. 8

Validation of a selection of altered Pan- (panel a), A1- (panel b), and A2- (panel c) reactive astrocyte associated genes altered in the brains of 100 dpi RML-infected mice by qRT-PCR. Mice that were treated with PLX5622 are grey columns and Untreated are white columns. The qRT-PCR results are presented as the Delta CT values. Also present is the RNA-seq data in Fragments Per Kilobase Million (FPKM) for each gene for comparison. Each dot represents the analysis of an individual mouse. The bars represent 1 standard deviation from the mean. P values and fold change of PXL5622 treatment relative to untreated are below each graph. Validation results from a more comprehensive list of Pan-, A1-, and A2-reactive astrocyte markers can be found in Additional File, Figure S2

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