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Fig. 2 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 2

From: Translational changes induced by acute sleep deprivation uncovered by TRAP-Seq

Fig. 2

TRAP-Seq reveals differential transcript abundance in the translatome following sleep deprivation. a TRAP RNA extraction followed by RNA-seq from the whole hippocampus of sleep deprived and non-sleep deprived male mice (2 pooled per sample) revealed differential expression of ribosome-associated mRNA transcripts. Volcano plot with a threshold of FDR < 0.05 of the transcripts significantly differentially expressed (up-regulated in red, down-regulated in blue, non-significant in grey). The 20 most significantly differentially expressed genes (DEGs) are labeled. b Volcano plot showing differential expression of transcript variants. c, d Pathway analysis (KEGG and GO:molecular function terms) of all the upregulated genes were involved in the protein processing in ER, unfolded protein binding, misfolded protein binding, protein kinase inhibitor activity among the upregulated pathways (c), while voltage gated potassium channel activity and circadian rhythms were among the downregulated pathways (d)

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