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Fig. 5 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 5

From: Atg7 deficiency in microglia drives an altered transcriptomic profile associated with an impaired neuroinflammatory response

Fig. 5

Atg7-deficient microglia show an altered transcriptional response to a LPS challenge. Microglial cells, i.e. shAtg7 and shCtrl BV2 cells were treated with LPS (100 ng/ml) for 3 h (a–d) or 6 h (e–g). Network analysis of enriched GO term clusters generated from differentially expressed genes with significant FDR (< 0.05) that are less expressed in shAtg7 BV2 as compared to shCtrl BV2 at 3 h (a) or 6 h (e) post-treatment with LPS are depicted. Nodes represent GO terms, clusters are nodes grouped based on similarity. Node size corresponds to number of genes. Node color corresponds to the significance of correlation, where the darker the color is, the smaller the FDR values gets. Lines represent the number of genes overlapping between nodes. Graphs show the downregulated genes represented in the GO term clusters: b C2 response cell activation, and c C3 cytokine production and cytokine-mediated signaling pathway related genes in shAtg7 BV2 at 3 h LPS, and f C1 cytokine production and g C7 interferon gamma (INFγ) cell response related genes in shAtg7 BV2 at 6 h LPS, respectively (additional information about the clusters are available in Additional file 4). d Graph shows the expression of genes reported in literature to be involved in the inflammatory response of microglial cells. Genes are differentially expressed at 3 h in LPS-treated shAtg7 BV2 microglia, as compared to the 3 h LPS-treated shCtrl BV2 microglia

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