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Table 1 List of antibodies

From: Atg7 deficiency in microglia drives an altered transcriptomic profile associated with an impaired neuroinflammatory response



Primary antibodies

 ACTB, mouse monoclonal antibody

Sigma-Aldrich (A-3853)

 APOE, rabbit monoclonal antibody

Abcam (ab183597)

 ARG1, rabbit polyclonal antibody

Abcam (ab91279)

 ATG7, rabbit polyclonal antibody

Abcam (ab133528)

 GAPDH, mouse monoclonal antibody

Millipore (CB1001)

 LAMIN A/C, mouse monoclonal antibody

Sigma-Aldrich (SAB4200236)

 LC3B, rabbit polyclonal antibody

Sigma-Aldrich (L7543)

 NOS2, rabbit polyclonal antibody

Cell signaling (13120)

 P65, NF-κB subunit, rabbit polyclonal antibody

Santa Cruz (sc-372)

Secondary antibodies

 IRDye® 800CW Goat anti-Mouse IgG

Li-COR (926-32210)

 IRDye® 680RD Goat anti-Rabbit IgG

Li-COR (926-68071)

 Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG, Alexa Fluor 488

Invitrogen (A21206)

  1. List of primary and secondary antibodies used in this study, the respective companies and the catalogue numbers