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Table 2 List of files used and created by Minhee Analysis Package

From: Minhee Analysis Package: an integrated software package for detection and management of spontaneous synaptic events

File type



Axon binary file created by pClamp 9 or earlier (ABF 1.83 or 1.84)

Axon binary file created by pClamp 10 or later (ABF 2.0)

Data acquisition mode: Episodic stimulation mode

Recommended sampling rate: 10–20 kHz

Read-only in Minhee Analysis


Binary file generated by PATCHMSTER

A bundle file with merged the Raw Data File (*.dat) and Acquisition Parameter File (*.pgf)

Multi-sweep data stored in the Series level of the data tree

Recommended sampling rate: 10–20 kHz

Read-only in Minhee Analysis


Tab-delimited without header

Two-dimensional array with the sweeps organized column-wise

Data unit: A or pA

Recommended sampling rate: 10–20 kHz

Read-only in Minhee Analysis


Three rows delimited by tabs without headers [1st column, time of event (s); 2nd column, amplitude of event (pA); 3rd column, selection index]

Write-only in Minhee Analysis and read-only in Minhee Retriever

  1. aExperimental recording data exported from a third-party software
  2. bEvent file created by Minhee Analysis (referred as the unit file throughout the current article)