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Fig. 4 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 4

From: Proteins secreted by brain arteriolar smooth muscle cells are instructive for neural development

Fig. 4

RNA-Seq transcriptomic analysis of primary cortical neurons treated with VSMC-CM. a Volcano plot of DEGs identified by comparing HBVSMC-CM-treated neurons with control neurons. A log2-fold change on the x-axis ≥ |1|  and log2 False Discovery Rate < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. b KEGG analysis of significantly upregulated genes in neurons treated with VSMC-CM. The ordinate is KEGG signaling pathways, and the abscissa is the number of genes of pathways. c–e Subsets of categorized GO terms of upregulated genes identified in b. The top 10 significantly enriched GO terms for Cellular Component (d), Biological Process (c), and Molecular Function (e) were selected by a false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05. f Heatmap of neuronal transcriptomes at different days in vitro (DIV). Heatmap of neuron total genes with CMP value at least > 1, with hierarchical clustering based on the average cluster method. Lanes 1 and 2 indicate the DIV2 control and treated groups, lanes 3 and 4 indicate the DIV4 control and treated groups, lanes 5 and 6 indicate the DIV6 control and treated groups, and lane 7 indicates the DIV 8 control group

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