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Fig. 1 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 1

From: Ablation of microglia does not alter circadian rhythm of locomotor activity

Fig. 1

(A) Coronal brain sections from a control mouse (Left) and PLX3397 treated mouse (Right) with Hoechst staining (blue) and microglial marker IBA1 (green) immunolabeling. The dotted line indicates the SCN. Scale bar = 100 μm. (B) PLX3397 treatment induced a 95% microglial depletion in the SCN. N = 7 mice (Control), 8 mice (PLX3397). ***P < 0.001. (C) Mean activity profiles were generated from 7 days in 12 L:12D. N = 12 (Control) and 15 (PLX3397) mice. (D) Analyses of day and night spontaneous locomotor activity counts. (E) Representative double-plotted actograms of control and PLX3397 mice in DD. Shaded gray areas in the actogram represent dark periods. (F) Analyses of spontaneous locomotor activity counts in DD. N = 5 (Control) and 6 (PLX3397) mice. (G) Estimated periods (left) and power (right) of circadian rhythms by the Lomb-Scargle periodogram. N = 5 (Control) and 6 (PLX3397) mice. (H) Representative double-plotted actograms of control and PLX3397 mice subjected to a 13-hour phase advance in LD cycles. (I) Activity onset in the 13-hour phase advance. N = 6 (Control) and 9 (PLX3397) mice. (J) Average interdaily stability from Day 2 to Day 6 (before jet-lag) and from Day 9 to Day 10 (during jet-lag). N = 6 (Control) and 9 (PLX3397) mice. **P < 0.01. (K) Coronal brain section from a control mouse (Left) and a mouse under jet-lag condition (Right) with Hoechst (blue) and microglial marker IBA1 (green) immunolabeling. Scale bar = 100 μm. (L) SCN microglial density from the control group and jet-lag group. N = 4 mice for each group.

Data are presented as means ± SEM with individual data points plotted. n.s.= non-significant difference.

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