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Fig. 6 | Molecular Brain

Fig. 6

From: Dynamic alteration of intrinsic properties of the cerebellar Purkinje cell during the motor memory consolidation

Fig. 6

Schematic summary of the study. In behavior, wild-type and STIM1PKO mice showed similar gain values in the early stage (0 h to 1 h). However, the gain of STIM1PKO mice significantly decreased during the intermediate stage (1 h to 4 h) and decreased more during the late stage (4 h to 24 h) (upper). In the intrinsic properties, wild-type mice showed dynamic and significant alterations in most of the properties, except mAHP and ISI ratio. However, most properties were not altered in STIM1PKO mice, and even it seems that altered properties in STIM1PKO mice are opposite to wild-type mice (below)

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